Concept of KEEPERZOO
KEEPERZOOは、世界中の動物園・水族館を旅して撮影した写真シリーズです。 ここに映る、動物たちと飼育員さんの間にあるもの。 それは紛れもなく、愛です!
きっかけは、取材で話を聞いた飼育員さんにポートレートを撮らせてもらったことでした。 「次は、飼育する動物と一緒に撮りましょう」というと、さっきまで所在なくカメラの前に立っていた飼育員さんが突然破顔し、別人のような素敵な笑顔で動物たちとカメラを見てくれたのです。 なるほど、いつも動物たちと向き合っていても、一緒に写真に映る機会はそれほど多くないんだな、と思いました。 そして、我が子のような動物たちを前に、つい本心からのうれしさが表情に現れているのです。
飼育員は動物園の裏方です。 しかし、取材を重ねるうち、動物に会うのと同じくらい、飼育員さんに会うのが楽しみになりました。 ひとくちに飼育員といっても、実は「大型動物にもなめられない人」とか、「小動物がリラックスできる人」といった、動物との相性があります。 さらには、「この人が担当すると繁殖が難しいといわれる希少動物がどんどん増える」とか、「エサも持っていないのにアニメのように鳥が集まる」とか、「どう考えてもカバと会話しているようにしか見えない」といった、超能力者のような飼育員さんたちもいます。 その力を生み出しているのが、根底にある動物たちへの海のように深い愛です。 そして多くの飼育員さんが、単なる仕事とは思えないくらい、知的にそして体力的に、多大な努力と献身を動物たちに注いでいます。
「知っている動物だけど、なんだか惹かれる」というとき。 それは実は、影で努力している飼育員さんのおかげかもしれません。
飼育員さんの多くは、「そんな、私の写真は撮らなくていいですよ」というタイプの人です。 しかし、愛する動物たちに助けられ(?)、自然体でほほ笑む彼らの姿は、この上なく魅力的です。 そんな、偉大なる裏方の皆さんに、心からの敬意を込めて。 これからも動物たちの写真と同じくらいの熱意を持って、KEEPERZOOのコレクションを撮りためていきたいと願っています。
KEEPERZOO is a series of photos about traveling to zoos and aquariums around the world. On these trips I found a very special behavior everywhere, which I definitely would like to call "love" between animals and their zookeeper. My idea was to make a portrait of the animal keeper that should also be an expression of his work. When he stood in front of the camera without a special pose and in front of a neutral background, he said: "Next time we will take a photo with the animals I have to look after". Indeed, with "his" animals, his facial expression suddenly changed and he smiled at the camera with a beautiful smile as if he were a completely different person. I noticed that there are not many ways to take good photos with an animal keeper, even if he is facing the animals. But together with the animals, his face expresses a warm joy like a child.
The zookeeper always works in the background of the zoo. As I went through the interviews, I looked forward to seeing the keeper as many times as I would see an animal to take a good photo. Although a pet owner is a single person, he is actually comparable to animals such as "people who cannot be licked by large animals" or "people who can relax small animals". "When such a person is in charge, the number of rarely kept animals that are difficult to keep and breed increases." "Birds gather like in cartoons, although of course they don't need food", "I can talk to the hippopotamus". No matter what I think. There are some breeders like clairvoyants who say, "It just looks like they're there." It is definitely the deep love for the entrusted animals that creates this power. Many zookeepers put a lot of effort and commitment into the animals, both intellectually and physically, and much more than a "normal" job requires. For them it's not a job, it's a job and passion!
Most of the work of an animal keeper is a routine task like cleaning and cutting food, fruits and vegetables, but there is always a lot to think about and discover, e.g. For the well-being of the animals, new toys have to be brought into the enclosure and climbing opportunities created. The way the food is administered should also be changed from day to day. Every day, different efforts are made to make the animals healthier and happier.
When I say, "I know an animal, but it somehow attracts me." Then it can actually be because the animal owner works in the background, takes good care of the animal and thus impresses us on the animal with its natural behavior. Most keepers are of the type that says, "You don't have to take a picture of me." However, their natural smiling faces, supported by their beloved animals (?), Are more attractive than ever. I have sincere respect for all the great people behind the scenes.
I hope that I can continue to collect KEEPERZOO collections with the same enthusiasm as the animal pictures. As a viewer, the photos from the zookeeper's perspective will probably give you an insight into a completely new world of zoos and aquariums that you have never seen before and that you as a visitor cannot see.