1979年 大阪生まれ。早稲田大学法学部卒。
2009年 世界で初めての動物園・水族館専門の雑誌『どうぶつのくに』を企画発行人として創刊。以降、日本動物園水族館協会の広報誌『どうぶつえんとすいぞくかん』、その他『Habataki』等各種の専門誌の専任写真家であり編集長・発行人を兼任。多くの生物図鑑や関係書籍の制作・出版も手がける。世界中のどうぶつや自然はもちろん動物園と水族館を何より愛し、国内外で旅をしながら取材を続けてその魅力を全世界に向けて発信し続けている。“こどもとどうぶつが出会う瞬間”を一連のコレクションとした写真展「KIDZOO」シリーズを世界中の動物園水族館を中心に、巡回展示好評開催中。公益社団法人日本写真家協会(JPS)正会員。
2009年 世界で初めての動物園・水族館専門の雑誌『どうぶつのくに』を企画発行人として創刊。以降、日本動物園水族館協会の広報誌『どうぶつえんとすいぞくかん』、その他『Habataki』等各種の専門誌の専任写真家であり編集長・発行人を兼任。多くの生物図鑑や関係書籍の制作・出版も手がける。世界中のどうぶつや自然はもちろん動物園と水族館を何より愛し、国内外で旅をしながら取材を続けてその魅力を全世界に向けて発信し続けている。“こどもとどうぶつが出会う瞬間”を一連のコレクションとした写真展「KIDZOO」シリーズを世界中の動物園水族館を中心に、巡回展示好評開催中。公益社団法人日本写真家協会(JPS)正会員。
Born in Osaka, 1979.
After graduating from the law faculty of Waseda University, he began his career in the advertising industry and developed his skills. Established Momose Design as a part of Momose Corporation, which was founded by his late grandfather Kazuo Momose. Designs and produces advertisements and goods for zoos and aquariums, and introduced new set of values for which he has been highly esteemed in Japan and abroad. As publisher, he has created magazines such as “Animal Kingdom”(2009〜) and for the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA) “Zoo and Aquariums”(2010〜) as well as “Flipper” for Kobe Oji zoo etc. And “Flipper” got the gold prize for the best PR solution for all the institution by Kobe city. (2012〜) At present he works as consultant and coordinator for zoos and aquariums with his reliable and efficient foreign colleagues, especially Dr. Jurgen Lange, the former director of Zoo Berlin. As a lover of animals in the natural habitats and in zoos, his leisure activities are traveling to zoos and aquariums all over the world, and taking photographs of animals.
After graduating from the law faculty of Waseda University, he began his career in the advertising industry and developed his skills. Established Momose Design as a part of Momose Corporation, which was founded by his late grandfather Kazuo Momose. Designs and produces advertisements and goods for zoos and aquariums, and introduced new set of values for which he has been highly esteemed in Japan and abroad. As publisher, he has created magazines such as “Animal Kingdom”(2009〜) and for the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA) “Zoo and Aquariums”(2010〜) as well as “Flipper” for Kobe Oji zoo etc. And “Flipper” got the gold prize for the best PR solution for all the institution by Kobe city. (2012〜) At present he works as consultant and coordinator for zoos and aquariums with his reliable and efficient foreign colleagues, especially Dr. Jurgen Lange, the former director of Zoo Berlin. As a lover of animals in the natural habitats and in zoos, his leisure activities are traveling to zoos and aquariums all over the world, and taking photographs of animals.
Official website of his magazines URL